A place for parents to share their stories

WATSONVILLE Raices y Carino or RC Fam, an international and bilingual family center, will open its doors to the public from this Sunday. It will be a place for families to meet to take classes, as well as provide educational sessions. The center has more classes and activities. The center also provides an oasis for parents tired of the daily grind of parenthood.
Julianne Bellin is a member of the volunteer team in Raices y Carino. She stated that it is difficult to cope with the stress of a day in which you’ve done the right things but the child’s experience isn’t great. day. “The RC Fam center will serve as a spot where parents can go to relax and enjoy tea and meet other parents that can assist them. On Sunday, the official celebration of the RC Fam Center will take starting at 5:00 p.m. The program will comprise an open house with raffles and a resource marketplace for those who provide. The taco truck will be accessible just across the street. This event is an opportunity for community members to come and learn more about the space as well as what it has to offer.
Family Birth and Bonding Center provides a variety of programs that include parenting support groups after birth, yoga for postnatal mothers, and signing baby language classes. Nora Yerena, a doula as well as Juliana Reyes are the founding directors. They have an extensive history of helping families as well as teaching them. Yerena is the mother of six and is a doula. She was also the founder of the two Monterey Maternal Mental Health Task Forces. Yerena has been a Parenting Connection parent educator since the very beginning of the organization’s existence.
San Benito counties. Yerena stated, “I’m proud to connect three counties with resources.” “We can break down barriers to intergenerational trauma as well as institutional racism in bringing people from diverse families of different languages, cultures, and cultures. In bringing everyone together, we are influencing one another to improve.” educator Reyes, who is also RC Fam Director Reyes is a proud immigrant and mother. While working as the Pajaro Valley Unified Schools District coordinator as well as an educator for parents, First consultant, and Head Start teacher.
The English Learner Advisory Committee and Spanish playgroup within the Live Oak Resource Center are led by Reyes. Reyes considers her involvement as the director of RC Fam as a continuation of her assistance to families. Reyes said, “This time in life is beautiful as well as vulnerable.” “Mothers require help and group of people,” said Reyes. RC Fam partners with groups like the Santa Cruz County Public Health Department’s Birth Network of Santa Cruz County, the Santa Cruz Public Health Department’s Positive Discipline Community Resources Bay Area Babywearing Networks Parenting Connection of Monterey County’s Shared Journeys We Get It, MENtors In Shape.
The center partners with individuals to provide sessions and groups of support for members covering grief counseling and fatherhood health to psychological health, breastfeeding support as well as birth plan classes, and other activities like queer game nights and tabletop games for parents. The spacious center features rooms dedicated to private mental and physical appointments including a babywearing librarian, and a small group room filled with toys that can be used as enrichment for younger children. Bellin declared, “There will be something to suit everyone.” Bellin said “And if it’s not there then we’ll do our best to have what the community requires.”
In the end, Reyes sees her work as a volunteer at RC Fam as a natural progression of her efforts to assist families. “This time in life can be very attractive and yet vulnerable,” said Reyes. “Mothers need help and they need a whole village.” RC Fam works in partnership with other community groups, such as Birth Network of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz County Public Health Department, Positive Discipline Community Resources, Bay Area Babywearing Network, Parenting Connection of Monterey County, Shared Adventures, We Get It, MENtors Fitness .