Why Viktor Orban’s government is being called an ‘electoral autocracy’

The European Union (EU) is built on the principles of respect for the dignity of human beings, freedom as well as equality, democracy legality and respect for the rights of people. Each of the EU Member States share these values , and are an integral member of the EU. By voting, the European Parliament decided that Hungary could be at risk of violating EU fundamental values. It is the European Commission has now recommended that Hungary be excluded from certain cohesion funding funds. The law of the land must be upheld throughout the EU member States. That means all EU citizens should be treated fairly before the law and enjoy access to an impartial and independent judiciary.
1. What are you think the European Commission recommending with regards to Hungary’s use of cohesion money?
The European Parliament has labeled Hungary a hybrid “electoral autocracy” due to its recent crackdown on public opinion and civil society. Now, the European Commission recommends that Hungary be subject to conditions for receiving cohesion funding. The conditions include adherence by the nation to its fundamental values and the rule law. Hungary has been among the most significant beneficiaries of European Union cohesion funds, meant to help reduce inequality in the socioeconomic landscape of the EU. However, the country has been accused of applying the funds to consolidate its dictatorship. The report of the European Parliament on Hungary declares that the nation has “exhibited the clear signs of backsliding” regarding democracy and the rule of law in the year 2014.
2. What contribution will Hungary make for the EU budget for 2021-2027?
In light of recent law revisions In light of recent electoral law changes, lawmakers from the European Parliament called Hungary an “electoral autocracy” mixed. Hungary is a part of EUR17.5 million within the EU budget for 2021-2027. This is a huge amount. European Parliament has voiced its concerns about the changes made to the law on elections in Hungary, claiming that it may allow the government to run for office indefinitely. The changes also include the establishment of a new “national consultation” that could let the government to seek people’s opinions on important issues. Also, there is an opportunity to extend the duration of term for members of both Parliaments, the European Parliament (and the Hungarian Parliament).
3. What do you think the European Parliament’s conclusions be on Hungary by a vote of symbolic significance?
The European Parliament has branded Hungary as a hybrid “electoral Autocracy’ in a symbolic vote. The reason is because the Parliament is of the opinion that Hungary’s government is democratically elected, yet is not in accordance with the rule of law and constitutional rights. The Parliament has also concluded that the Hungary’s government is run by a tiny group of people, who use their power to benefit themselves instead of the citizens of Hungary.
Quick Summary
European Union has taken steps to ensure the protection of democracy in its member countries, including those financial penalties. This is a of response to what EU says is the undermining of democratic institutions in Poland as well as Hungary. Concerning corruption over corruption, the European Union executive recommended that Hungary be cut off from financial aid that amounts to 7.5 billion euro. Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister dismissed the European Resolution of the Parliament as “a absurdity”.